أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في شبكة حوار بوابة الاقصى، إذا كنت تمتلك عضوية لدينا مسبقا وتواجه مشكلة في تسجيل الدخول لها يرجى الإتصال بنا،إذا لم تكن تمتلك عضوية لدينا مسبقا يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل معنا
إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، أما إذا رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة القسم الذي ترغب أدناه.
موجود برنامج Cubase SX 3.0.2 بس حجمه كبير جدا جيجا ونص بدو اسبوع لما احملك اياه
موجود برنامج Cubase SX 3.0 حجمها 150 ميجا .... ؟؟؟
Cubase SX v3.0 (c) Steinberg
Supplier :: TEAM DELiRiUM
Cracker :: TEAM H2O
Packager :: TEAM DELiRiUM
Protection :: DONGLE
OS :: WiN
Date :: 06-11-2005
▐▄▌ ▓░ - ABOUT - ▀ ░▀
Cubase SX3 takes music production to a new level by adding more than
70 new features including powerful Audio Warp Realtime Timestretching,
an intuitive Play Order Track, convenient Inplace Editing and many new
editing functions.
For the first time, a native music production system combines full
-featured audio and MIDI recording and editing, virtual instruments
and powerful audio mixing with the added flexibility of loop- and
pattern-based arranging and mixing. Cubase SX3 supports Windows XP and
Mac OSX and works with a multitude of audio interfaces. Add to that
the seamless integration of external audio and MIDI hardware, and
Cubase SX3 redefines music production technology.
Top-10 new features of Cubase SX3
Audio Warp: Realtime Time Stretching and Pitch Shifting offer
extensive new audio editing and processing capabilities, including
ACID® File support: loops automatically adopt a projects tempo; audio
files can follow tempo changes in realtime.
Intuitive Play Order Track for pattern-based arranging adds a new
level of creative music editing. Divide your song into sections, and
then re-arrange it on the fly. Compare alternative versions of your
song and then convert them back into a linear form for mixdown and
New Inplace Editor supports ultra-fast direct MIDI event editing from
within the project page. Edit MIDI events in con************ with audio or
New MIDI Device Maps / Panels support direct access to external MIDI
hardware with user-definable graphic editing panels. Import VST Mixer
Maps or create your own editing panels, even for the Track Inspector
or the mixers channel strip.
User-definable Workspaces (window layouts) help organizing your
desktop. Create and save a separate workspace for each step of the
production process. Switch Workspaces on the fly, as if working on
multiple computers or monitors.
Studio Connections Total Recall support (optional integration of
Yamahas Studio Manager 2). The first step into a new dimension of
software/hardware integration. This modular editing system builds a
powerful bridge between the virtual and physical studio. Opening a
project can recall an entire studio setup within seconds.
External FX Plugins allow for direct integration of external hardware
effects processors into the VST audio mixer. Use your favorite
outboard gear just like plugins û including automatic delay
Extended Freeze function for virtual instruments and audio tracks with
added flexibility and improved performance. Freeze virtual instruments
with or without insert effects. Then automatically unload the
instrument to free up RAM. Freeze audio tracks with insert effects to
free up even more CPU performance.
New part-based Volume Envelopes for direct control of dynamics. Fix
level problems on the fly without wasting automation tracks. Then move
events with their volume envelopes.
User-definable Color Coding for tracks and VST mixer channels provides
more clarity and better orientation û especially in complex projects.
1. Mount or Burn the DVD-R
2. Run iso install and type in Serial SX3:
3. Run the update
4. Run the patcher_cubasesx_3.0.2.623_from_622.exe
5. Run Driver_installer_SX_v3.0.2.623 ISO
6. Enjoy this long awaited release!
Remember ... "Buy it if you use it"
We cannot stress how important this is.
Support your favourite software vendors.
Special note :
H2O does it again.........!!!
Although everybody thought that Syncrosoft and Steinberg had found the
ultimate protection, we prove otherwise.
We admit that it's getting harder and harder to do and this one may
possibly be the last one we do.
Due to the complex nature of the protection we thought of approaching
it from another direction.
The Emulation is now done on driver-level, which means that the Emu
essentially mimics a dongle, look in the License Control Center to
view the applications the Emu supports. By writing the Emu at driver
-level we probably went beyond cracking an application. The amount of
effort invested in this project is staggering , estimated at over 1500
manhours during cracking, developing & testing, and probably will
never be done again.
We hope u enjoy this release and the motto "if u use it alot then buy
it!" applies
Note to protection coders :
Unbelievable way you transform an application. We estimate that
between 30% & 40% of the application are wrapped in the ******************
protection. Protection is one thing but this surely effects an
application performance. You probably could get a performance gain of
50% without the protection!!
Think about this : Once broken, the protection is , what ????
Currently the Emu doesn't support CuBaseSX 1, the effort to support it
being too high, besides the older Emu's work perfectly for that
(ARCTIC/ZONE). For more info, check the Readme on the Emu.
To any 'l33t crackz0rs' attempting to remove the H2O-splash, or the
trayicon; perhaps, a little respect to this effort and don't do that,
also it may affect operation....
To end-users, if you don't see the H2O-splash and trayicon, expect
problems... We will not take blame for work that has been tampered
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التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة أبو الجماجم; الساعة 02-05-2007, 10:39 PM.