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مجموعة برامج مفيدة و متجددة ان شاء الله

  • تصفية - فلترة
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إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • مجموعة برامج مفيدة و متجددة ان شاء الله

    كيف حالكم يا حلوين بعد غياب طويل عن المنتدى الحلو حقدم اليكم مجموعة من البرامج التي بعون الله سوف تنال اعجابكم بسم الله نبدأ

    البرنامج الأول
    و هو عبارة عن مترجم رهيييييييييب أحسن من الوافي و غيره من المترجمين

    هذا ربط التحميل


    والأن نبدأ بشرح
    واجهة البرنامج :-

    والبرنامج يدعم العديد من اللغات :-

    و طريقه الترجمه :-

    الكراك تضعونه في ملف البرنامج
    و شكرا

    .................................................. .................................................. .........................

    والأن مع برنامج Error Repair Professional 3.7.5 لإصلاح 95% من الاخطاء التي تحصل في جهازك

    لتحمي البرنامج http://www.error-repair-pro.com/files/erpsetup.exe

    و هذا السيريال Serial: LFFQTNKJUB9V3VBR

    و الأن مع الشرح
    "95% of All PCs Have Hidden Errors on Them! Let Us Scan Your PC and Discover How Many Errors Are Lurking Inside It..."
    "Eliminate Them Instantly and Have The Peace Of Mind Knowing Your PC is Automatically Kept Error Free, 24 Hours A Day!"

    Keep your PC operating smoothly by using Error Repair Professional to scan, identify, clean and repair errors in your PC with a single click. With a few easy steps, it will scan your entire registry for any invalid entries and provides a list of the registry errors found. You can then choose to selectively clean each item or automatically repair them all.

    و شكرا .................................................. .................................................. ..............................

    و الأن مع برنامج Advanced Uninstaller PRO 8.4

    لازالة البرامج من جذورها

    رابط التحميل http://www.4shared.com/file/27634660...er_PRO_84.html

    و هذاالباسورود لفك الضغط: www.arabnokia.net

    و الأن شرح البرنامج

    This easy-to-use Windows application uninstaller makes your computer run more efficiently by removing software and files that were left behind after you uninstalled software that you no longer use. In addition, the program performs a number of cleanup activities, making your computer more secure.
    Very few software programs uninstall completely from your computer. Among the things left behind are unnecessary folders, obsolete files, and graphics that will never be used. In addition, there are often items placed in the Windows Registry that are not welcome, as well as spyware and other programs that threaten the security of your computer. Advanced Uninstaller PRO can uninstall all of these files, folders, and programs. Uninstalling a program is as easy as selecting its name from a list, or dragging and dropping a file or a shortcut on the Advanced Uninstaller PRO desktop icon.

    Advanced Uninstaller PRO's built-in Startup Manager gives you control over the programs that are automatically started by Windows, and offers you detailed information about each of them, including advice about what the program does and whether you should disable it. Advanced Uninstaller PRO includes a huge knowledge base containing startup program deــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــions, giving you the ability to distinguish between essential Windows components that you want to keep, and dangerous spyware programs that you want to remove.

    To protect your privacy, the Quick Cleaner performs a one-step removal of the data on your computer that tells other people what you've been doing. It can safely delete the list of Internet pages that you have visited, the ــــــــــــــــــ addresses that you have typed, the Internet ــــــــــــــــــــــــies that were written to your hard drive when you visited ــــــــــــــــــ sites, and the recently opened files lists for more than 100 applications, including Microsoft Office, Windows Media Player, ICQ, MSN, WinZip, RealPlayer, Kazaa, etc.

    Advanced Uninstaller PRO makes it easy to remove all damaged Start Menu shortcuts, to hide or show them at any time, and to alphabetically sort the entire Start Menu. The program can find and delete temporary files left behind by Windows, Internet Explorer, and other applications. You can also tweak Internet Explorer configuration settings, manage and uninstall fonts, uninstall unwanted Control Panel applets, and perform other system tasks efficiently.

    This new release contains a powerful registry cleaner, defragmenter and optimizer which will help you keep your registry fast, clean and
    easily accessible by all programs. A registry backup utility is also included.

    Advanced Uninstaller PRO runs under Windows 95 / 98 / Me / NT4 / 2000 / XP and Windows Vista............................................. ...... .................................................. ........................

    و الأن مع برنامج FairStars Audio Converter

    رابط التحميل: http://www.fairstars.com/download.htm
    و هذا السيريال عشان ايكون البرنامج كامل

    Name: www.serials.ws
    Serial: F8927954
    Code: 651C-1735-403F-3739

    و الأن الشرح

    هو عبارة عن محول صوتيات و هو الأفضل بنظري انا و هو سهل الاستخدام و سريع الأداء يعني ما في أحسن منو

    و شكرا
    .................................................. .................................................. .............................

    و الأن تعلم كيفية الكتابة على الفيديو كليب و شرح كامل + البرنامج كامل
    اصدار جديد وكامل
    برنامج أكثر من رائع وشامل لتحرير الفيديو والصوتيات والصور
    وعمل مؤثرات والكتابه عليها وايضا عمل الدمج والتقسيم
    ويدعم الانساق التالية:
    والكثير ايضاً
    # الكتابه على فيلم أو مقطع فيديو
    # أضافة مؤثرات على فيلم أو مقطع
    # أضافة صوت أو موسيقى على الفيلم
    # دمج وتقسيم الصور والفيديو

    اضافة فيلم او مقطع فيديو الى منطقة العمل
    اضغط على العلامة التى بجانب شكل الديسك
    وحدد مكان الفيلم بعد تحديد مكان الفيلم
    اضغط عليه كليك يمين واختارadd to timeline
    وبذلك يكون وضع فى منطقة العمل

    الكتابة على فيلم او مقطع فيديو - 1
    بالضغط على العلامة التى عليها شكل حرف T
    وهناك اختيارين بجانب كلمة media files
    الاول لعمل مؤثرات والثانية لعمل فواصل
    وهتلاقى مؤشر تحت دوس عليه لو عايز تختار الجزء المطلوب الكتابة عليه
    اوعمل ايقاف من شكل الميديا

    الكتابة على فيلم او مقطع فيديو - 2
    اضغط على علامة حرف الT
    ستظهر لك قائمة فيها مكان لكتابة الجملة المراد كتابتها وبعد
    ان تكتبها تختار بقا لون الخط او مقاسه او شكله ولون خلفية الخط
    ثم تحفظ ما كتبت file واختار save and close

    عند الانتهاء من العمل اذهب الى File ثم Make Movie
    وذلك لعمل مونتاج لعملك

    الخطوة الاخيرة ، تصدير العمل باختيار اسم العمل ومكان الحفظ
    والصيغة المطلوبة لحفظ العمل: ثم Next
    ثم شاور علامة صح على كل الاختيارات ثم نكست

    اسم البرنامج

    Video Edit Magic v3.38

    حجمه: 8.41 Mb

    جميع انظمة الويندوز

    تحميل البرنامج

    بيانات التسجيل

    Name: Anindya Chowdhury
    Sn: BE68-A2C9-844F-95B5-4E82-6800-03B4

    و أرجو ان تنال اعجابكم و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

    .................................................. .................................................. ..............................

    و الأن مع برنامج NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder v1.02.223 لتحسين اداء كرت الشاشه واصلاح ملفات الفيديو من شركة Nvidia

    وهو برنامج من شركة انفيديا العالميه في مجال كروت الشاشه لتحسين الصورة فى الفيديو و تصليحها
    والمحافظه على كرت الشاشه

    Featuring Dolbyreg; Digital surround sound audio and hardware-accelerated video on all Microsoft DirectXreg; compatible graphics processors, the NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder delivers unmatched color fidelity and smooth DVD, video, and TV viewing.The NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder is also the best way to experience PureVideo on your NVIDIA GeForce 6 Series GPU, enabling such features as spatial temporal de-interlacing, inverse telecine, and bad edit correction.

    The NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder is the first software decoder to receive the ،°Designed for Media Center Edition،± certification, ensuring that it will deliver premium video quality and unmatched performance for Media Center PCs.In addition, the NVIDIA PureVideo Decoder is designed to work with Portable Media Centers allowing users to take their recorded TV shows with them on the road.


    Enables DVD viewing with Microsoftreg; Windows Mediareg; Player or Microsoft Windowsreg; Media Center Edition
    High quality MPEG-2 decoder supports any third party software application based upon Microsoft DirectShowreg;
    Enables PureVideo technology on GeForce 6 Series GPUs
    Dolbyreg; Digital surround sound decoding
    Minimizes CPU utilization by offloading the MPEG-2 decoding onto the graphics processor
    Enables advanced de-interlacing
    Decodes high-definition MPEG-2 streams for ATSC tuners
    Supports Windows Mobile-based Portable Media Centers allowing end users to transcode MPEG-2 ********************* into Windows Media Video 9
    S/PDIF pass through for external decoding of Dolby Digital and DTS (compatible hardware required)

    وهذا رابط التحميل http://download.nvidia.com/Windows/d...oder_trial.exe

    و هذا الكيجن عشان ايصير البرنامج كالم و الكمال لله تعالى n3k3_2VvpKR33TL.zip

    أرجو ان ينال اعجابكم

    .................................................. .............................................

    البرنامج التالي Password Protect USB 3.6.1 لإغلاق اي درايفر برقم سري (( حصـــــريـــــا))

    Password Protect USB is a software program designed to protect an unlimited number of folders with your personal passwords. You can set a password on any folder containing your sensitive data. Install the program on your removable drive and protect/unprotect folders at any computers your drive is connected to. The program supports Windows XP, 98, 2000, NT, ME, Vista. Download Password Protect USB now

    و هذا رابط التحميل يا حلوين http://www.4shared.com/file/28935004...ied=37e77 390

    باسورد فك الضغط هو Davidoff
    وهذا رابط تاني
    أرجو ان ينال أعجابكم

    .................................................. .................................................ز

    البرنامج التالي PhotoZoom Professional v2.26 شوف ادق التفاصيل بالصورة

    The software is perfectly suited for digital photography, large printing, DTP, ــــــــــــــــــ design and online publishing, but also for industrial image processing such as space technology, security, medical and forensic applications.

    Many professionals are familiar with the problem; quality loss caused by digital image magnification. In many cases a great deal of time is spent on achieving only a fairly acceptable enlargement result, however there are familiar side effects including out-of-focus images and serrated edges which is illustrative for the lack of professional magnification software.

    PhotoZoom Pro™ 2 is based on S-Spline XL: a renewed and improved version of our patented, self-adjusting, many times awarded S-Spline interpolation technology. As we did with S-Spline, our S-Spline XL technology again introduces a revolutionary breakthrough in digital image enlargement. It is able to render sharp and crisp clear image magnifications, perfectly focused, yet without the jagged edges, loss of detail or lack of photorealism that normally come with enlarging images.

    If you want the best looking photos possible, you need this intelligent, innovative tool to help you get the results you're after:

    * Enlarge your photos and images with S-Spline XL, the No. 1 image resize technology in the world. Awarded and praised by the professional and consumer press over and over again.
    * The S-Spline algorithm already excelled in preserving sharp edges, our new S-Spline XL algorithm also adds preservation and reconstruction of fine, more subtle details. With PhotoZoom Pro 2, you can create revolutionary image magnifications of unparalleled quality.
    * Batch conversion allows you to resize whole series at once: easily adjust the setting for a batch and there you go.
    * Extensive support for high-end industry image formats (such as 48 & 64 bit images)
    * The software comes as both standalone application and Adobe® Photoshop™ compatible export plugin, and works on Windows and Mac OS X, making sure that whatever work environment you prefer, the workflow runs smoothly.
    * For quick results there are predefined settings for common types of ********************* and enlargement types
    * For a subtle finishing touch, you can control the end results through advanced fine-tuning tools.
    * Compare quality to what competing programs do by switching between S-Spline XL and any of the other existing interpolation algorithms that are available in e.g. Adobe® Photoshop™
    * Large preview window with zooming functionality to show you the end resize result in great detail. What you see is what you get.

    رابط التحميل http://www.4shared.com/file/28620390...ied=37 e77390

    باسورد فك الضغط هو Davidoff

    .................................................. ..............................

    البرنامج التالي و هو النسخه الاخيره من برنامج الضغط الشهير WinZip 11.1 مع الكيجن..كامل

    انا بحثت بالمنتدى عن النسخه الاخيره لل WinZip 11.1 ولم اجدها لذلك حبيت افيد اخواني الاعضاء واعطيهم النسخه الاخير من هذا البرنامج الرائع

    لتحميل البرنامج اضعط هنا http://www.download.com/3000-2250_4-10704232.html
    بعدين Download Now

    و هذا الكيجن ليكون البرنامج كامل و الكمال لله وحده


    .................................................. .................................................. ......

    البرنامج التالي و هو Key Advantage Typing v1.1.0.0 لتعلم الطباعه

    Key Advantage Typing Tutor is a full-featured typing program for learning how to type quickly and accurately. This typing software is designed from the ground up to be fun, intuitive, and easy-to-use. Key Advantage Typing Tutor tracks the progress for multiple typists and generates graphs and reports that are customized for each typist.

    We believe typing software can teach typing without gimmicky elements and still be entertaining. Our Key Advantage Typing program offers real typing tutor features without any fluff. Our typing tutor software contains innovative concepts like finger-by-finger accuracy reporting. Whether you're a beginner typist, or improving your current typing skills, Key Advantage Typing Tutor is your key to success!

    Key Advantage Typing Tutor Software is loaded with features:
    • Learn to type fast and accurately in 25 easy-to-follow lessons
    • View your typing accuracy and typing speed over time with user-customized graphs and detailed reporting
    • Tracks multiple typists so the whole family can participate with a single typing program
    • Choose between 2 different "learning to type" styles - one key at a time, or by paragraph
    • Master the 10-key number pad in 7 simple typing lessons
    • Learn to type using either the Qwerty or Dvorak keyboard layouts
    • Receive instant feedback through the key-by-key analysis of your typing performance
    • Type fast and accurately to earn award keys and printable certificates as you reach your typing goals
    • Learn proper typing posture with detailed diagrams
    • View tips for healthy typing to reduce the risk of repetitive injuries
    • Practice ergonomic exercises during your typing breaks with animations and detailed instructions
    • Never hunt and peck again after learning the value of touch typing
    • Simple and useful help files, fast and friendly technical support
    • Complete install and uninstall support

    و هذا رابط التحميل http://www.4shared.com/file/27031893...ied=37e 77390

    و هذا السيريال Serial:2232-9962-6839

    والان مع برنامج gold wave 5.2

    معرب+ مكرك

    افظع برنامج يحتوي علي العديد من الامكانيات التي تجعلك تظبط الاغاني علي مزاجك

    زي(الغاء الدوشة + تقوية البيس+ صوت تكنو +توحيد الشدة........)

    الحجم : 2 م.ب


    http://depositfiles.com/en/files/619938 اخوكم في الله NAJE13:13

    كل التحية للاسود الساهرة علي سلامة وامن
    الاسلام .. الجهاد .. فلسطين

  • #2
    جزاك الله كل خير أخي

    رحمك الله ياشهدائنا الابطال

