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محترف في حفظ تعريفات الجهاز(كرت الصوت والشاشة والفاك. الخ)Driver Genius Pro 7.0.2358

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  • محترف في حفظ تعريفات الجهاز(كرت الصوت والشاشة والفاك. الخ)Driver Genius Pro 7.0.2358

    Driver Genius Professional Edition 2007.v7.0.2358

    Driver Genius Professional Edition 2007 (Version: 7.0.2358) -- February 15, 2007

    برنامج رائع ومتفوق جداً في حفظ تعريفات الجهاز(كرت الصوت والشاشة والفاكس والطابعة والسكانر...الخ) عن باقي البرامج ،
    ويتميز بسرعته الجبارة في عملية حفظ التعريفات،
    كما يستطيع البرنامج بإنشاء ملف تنفيذي لكافة التعاريف أو الجزء المهم ،
    واستعادتها بكبسة زر واحدة بعد تنصيب الويندوزمن جديد.
    ويجب أن تحفظ التعاريف في القسم D أو E من الهارد أو السيدي لأنك ستقوم بفرمتة القسم C مستقبلاً.والكثير من الميزات التي تستحق أن تكتشفها بهذا البرنامج

    Version: 7.0.2358
    File Size: 9.05 MB

    Operating System: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Server 2003/Vista/x 64
    Driver Genius Professional is a professional driver management tool
    features both driver management and hardware diagnostics. Driver
    Genius provides such practical functions as driver backup, restoration,
    update and removal for computer users. If you often reinstall your
    operating system, you may not forget such painful experiences of
    searching all around for all kinds of drivers. If unfortunately you have
    lost your driver CD, the search will be more troublesome and time-consuming.

    Now with the driver backup function of Driver Genius, you can backup all drivers in your computer before reinstalling, and restore them with the driver restoration function after system reinstallation has been completed. This will dramatically save your time for driver installation during the system installation procedure, and you will no longer worry about where to find a driver. Besides, you can create an automatic installation package for all drivers in your system by Driver Genius. After you have reinstalled your operating system, you can restore all your drivers in just a click by this automatic restoration program. It's really convenient. Driver Genius can automatically find driver for a device that the system can't find a driver for it. It can recognize the name and vendor's information of the device, and directly provide download URL for the required driver. Driver Genius also supports online updates for drivers of existing hardware devices. There are more than 30,000 most recent drivers for such hardware devices as motherboards, video cards, sound cards, network cards, modems, monitors, mice, keyboards, digital cameras, video capture cards, etc. on Driver Genius ********* site. Besides, there are daily updates for many drivers on our site. Our customers can obtain information for latest drivers by Driver Genius's LiveUpdate program, which can synchronize to the database on our site.Why I need Driver Genius?Each computer user has more or less dealt with drivers while using computer. Most users are really tired of the tedious procedure of installing so many drivers manually for the system. In case you lost your drivers CD, you have to spend much time searching for the drivers online. If unfortunately even the driver for your modem was lost, you will be at your wits end. Perhaps you are a system administrator responsible for installing drivers for hundreds of computers in your company. If your have to install drivers on each computer manually one after another, it can't be a easy job. You may still be using some old machines. If you can't tell their actual hardware configuration, you may not be able to find out correct drivers. Old drivers may not work properly in new operating systems, so you want to solve the problem by updating to latest drivers. Now you are caught by another problem - you can't find where to download the latest ones. There is another problem, if you changed some hardware devices, drivers for the removed devices may still stay in your system and become garbage files. Garbage files can seriously influence the performance of the operating system. You may want to remove them, but don't know how. Above are problems we may meet concerning drivers. Now we will see how Driver Genius can help you solve these problems like a piece of cake.
    Revision history

    Driver Genius Professional Edition 2007 (Version: 7.0.2358) -- February 15, 2007

    Bug fixes:
    1. Fixes the 'Out of memory' issue.
    2. Program freeze when backup some special drivers.
    3. Removed bad drivers download link.

    1. Added support for Windows Vista/XP x64/Server 2003 x64/Vista x64.
    2. Improved use interface, make the program easiler and more friendly to use.
    3. Added Device Diagnostics.
    4. Improved drivers update function.
    5. Added drivers download manager, make user download and manage drivers easiler.

    Home Page:



    كلمة المرور اللازمه لتفعيل البرنامج موجوده بالمرفقات
    الملفات المرفقة
    "والذين جاهدوا فينا لنهدينهم سبلنا وان الله لمع المحسنين"

  • #2
    بارك الله فيك
    ستظل عملية بيت ليد كابوسا يلاحق الصهانية


    • #3
      صحيح برنامج رهيب
      كنت أبحق عنه من زمان
      ألف شكر لك أخي أبو جهاد
      القناعة كنز لا يفنى


      • #4
        بارك الله فيك اخي ابو جهاد .. فعلا اتى في وقته ..
        بارك الله فيــــــــــــــــــك
        إن سلاحنا هو شرفنا .. إن سلاحنا هو عرضنا وكرامتنا .. وبندقيتنا لن نقايضها الا بفلسطين المحررة

        لا تنسوا وصايا الشهداء


        • #5
          بارك الله فيك وجزان عنا كل خير22:2
          [motr1][foq1]يا رب خذ من دمانا حتى ترضى[/foq1][/motr1]


          • #6
            بارك الله فيك
            أيها العضو الصديق لا بأس أن تؤيد رأيك بالحجة و البرهان .....

            كما لا بأس أن تنقض أدلتي ، وتزييف مما تعتقد أنك مبطل له

            لكن هناك أمر لا أرضاه لك أبدا ما حييت ، ولا أعتقد أنه ينفعك

            الشتم و السباب


            • #7
              بارك الله فيك


              • #8
                يعطيك الف عافية اخي

                وجار التحميل والتجريب

                بأمان الله


                • #9
                  [frame="2 80"]بارك الله فيك اخي [/frame]


                  • #10
                    [glow=000000]مشكور اخي الكريم . . . . [/glow]

