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Super Dangerous Mortars Of The Leb Army On Nahr El Bared Camp

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  • Super Dangerous Mortars Of The Leb Army On Nahr El Bared Camp

    Exclusive News,,

    240mm CHEM: Weight: 143 kg; Price: $2500 (-/R)
    240mm GAMP: Weight: 134 kg; Price: $70000 (-/R)
    240mm HE: Weight: 130 kg; Price: $2000 (-/R)
    240mm HE-RAP: Weight: 143 kg; Price: $4000 (-/R)
    240mm ICM: Weight: 145 kg; Price: $15000 (-/R)
    240mm WP: Weight: 143 kg; Price: $4000 (-/R)

    The 240-mm self-propelled mortar known to the West as the M-1975 is known as the SM-240 (2S4) by the former Soviet Army, although its more common name is the Tyulpan, or Tulip Tree. The M-1975 consists of a much modified GMZ tracked minelaying vehicle carrying a 240-mm M-240 breech-loading mortar on the hull rear. The mortar is carried complete with a baseplate and is hydraulically lowered from its traveling position around a pivot on the hull rear. The baseplate is hinged to the hull rear so that when emplaced the mortar barrel faces away from the hull. The 240-mm mortar is lowered into the firing position under remote-control and when in position can be elevated from +45 to +80° with a traverse of 8° left and right. Some rounds are probably carried inside the vehicle hull and it is likely that some form of assisted loading is provided. The rate of fire is probably about one round a minute, with firing being by remote-control. The hull of the vehicle is of all-welded steel armor with the engine compartment at the front right and driver front left. The commander is seated to the rear of the driver and has a raised cupola with an externally mounted 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun. A further hatch is to the rear of the commander's cupola with a similar outward opening hatch on the opposite side of the vehicle roof. Ammunition is stowed internally and is loaded into the mortar using a hand-operated crane mounted at the rear of the vehicle on the left side. The mortar sighting system is on the right side of the mortar. Suspension is of the torsion bar type with each side having six road wheels with the drive sprocket at the front, idler at the rear and four track-return rollers. Firing a standard 130 kg HE round designated the F-864, a minimum range of 800-m and a maximum range of 9700-m can be achieved. In addition there is understood to be an extended-range round with a maximum range of 20000 m. Other rounds include a chemical projectile and nuclear. A concrete-piercing round for use against urban targets has been reported.

    This is The Picture Of the mortars that the Lebanon’s army fires on the Palestinians camp this are the mortars very high dangerous mortars. The Television channel al-Arabia Said this on exact date end time 17:00 Amsterdam. 10-06-2007


  • #2
    الضاهر المنتدى عربى


    • #3
      يا أخي مالك

      حسب ما فهمت من هذه المقالة وكما أسلفت سابقا

      الرجال ربنا يكرمه كاتب مقالة عن أهلنا في مخيم نهر البارد في لبنان وعن ما يتعرض له الفلسطينين في المخيم من قتل على ايدي القوات اللبنانية المسيحية وعن ما يستخدمونه من سلاح متطور في ذلك وذاكر أنواع الأسلحة و خطورة إستخدامه في المخيم وهييك .

      ربنا يجزيك كل خير أخوي عبد السلام على هذا المقال

      تحياتي إلكم
      القناعة كنز لا يفنى


      • #4
        Bye Welcome to my brother, Abdel Salam at this site

        Thank you for this article and, Enshaallah, victory to Islam and Muslims

        We express our grief over what is happening to our brothers in the Nahr el-Bared camp and pray to God to be with them

        Thank you brother, and Welcome again
        القناعة كنز لا يفنى


        • #5
          أهلين يا حبيبي تكتب انجليزي بس نفهم العربي اول


          • #6
            أهلين يا حبيبي تكتب انجليزي بس نفهم العربي اول
            لا تخليني أزعل منك 88:8 88:8 88:8

            88:8 88:8

            كييف لو إنك مش مدرس
            القناعة كنز لا يفنى


            • #7
              My best brothers
              i'm sorry that i only can type in english because my keybord cant type arabic i apollogize for this
              im a palestinian end im keep be good palestinian !!!!!
              i keep speaking arabic in the real life!
              But the problem that my keybord cant type arabic.
              but im looking for a translator so i can finaly type in arabic,
              im a wounded palestinian from the war in lebanon but if i have a arabic keybord i was typing everting special on abdel razik el majedi that i let him shame him self..
              end mahmoud el aloul,
              end jihad el roel
              end zijad el atrash
              i hope now one wil be angry on me becuase im typing in english im sorry guys i appologize
              if u guys want to know who are the best from al the guys in palestina that is elwa saib musbouh el aziz
              that is the best one from them al


              • #8
                لا عليك يا أخي
                معذور واكتب كيفما تشاء
                من البداية احببت ان اقول هذا الكلام ولكن احببت التاكد
                يا إخوة هناك بعض الكيبوردات لا تشتمل على اللغة العربية وهذا ما حدث مع الاخ مع انني كنت أشك في ذلك من البداية
                وهو يطلب منك ان تسامحوه لانه لا يستطيع الكتابة الا باللغة الانجليزية
                بارك الله فيكم
                ولكن رجائي للأخ عند كتابته اي موضوع أن يكون قصير جدا حتى يستوعبه الإخوة
                تحياتي لك


                • #9
                  المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة abdel salam مشاهدة المشاركة
                  My best brothers
                  i'm sorry that i only can type in english because my keybord cant type arabic i apollogize for this
                  im a palestinian end im keep be good palestinian !!!!!
                  i keep speaking arabic in the real life!
                  But the problem that my keybord cant type arabic.
                  but im looking for a translator so i can finaly type in arabic,
                  im a wounded palestinian from the war in lebanon but if i have a arabic keybord i was typing everting special on abdel razik el majedi that i let him shame him self..
                  end mahmoud el aloul,
                  end jihad el roel
                  end zijad el atrash
                  i hope now one wil be angry on me becuase im typing in english im sorry guys i appologize
                  if u guys want to know who are the best from al the guys in palestina that is elwa saib musbouh el aziz
                  that is the best one from them al

                  حياااك الله أخوي عبدالسلام

                  وربنا يرضى عنك وخذ راحتك

                  إنجليزي إنجيزي 14:14
                  القناعة كنز لا يفنى


                  • #10
                    حياااك الله أخوي عبدالسلام

