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الداخلية الفرنسية تتصدى لأنصار الجهاد الاكتروني الفرنسيين بعد ان بلغوا 3.5 مليون!!!

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  • الداخلية الفرنسية تتصدى لأنصار الجهاد الاكتروني الفرنسيين بعد ان بلغوا 3.5 مليون!!!

    الداخلية الفرنسية تتصدى لأنصار الجهاد الاكتروني الفرنسيين بعد ان بلغوا 3.5 مليون!!!

    اللهم لك الحمد!!
    عــــاجل وزيرة الداخلية الفرنسية تعلن حربا ضروس على الخلايا الجهادية في فرنســــا بعد ان تعدى مرتادي المنتديـات الجهادية ( ارقام الابيIP ) التي تبث بالفرنسية و تترجم بيانات واصدارات المجاهدين الى الفرنسية ثــــلاثــة ملايـــــــن و نــــصف المـــليــون هذا من فرنـــســا و حدها ( وبعض المنتديـــات الجهادية العربية يرتادها يوميا 200 شخص من من فرنـــســا و حدها أي اكثر من المرتادين من الســعودية و مصــــر حسب التقرير الثــــــانـــي)

    و يقـــول التقرير ايضـــا ان احد "الاستشهادين الالكترونيين" من فرنســـــا حطم 1,161 sites موقع تبث صور سيئة للرسول قبل ان تعتقله المخابرات الفرنسيــــة

    By WALID PHARESPublished: October 14, 2008

    FRANCE TACKLING JIHADISTS -- The French battle with Salafist jihadism is widening, though not well publicized overseas. Photo shows the cover of L'express magazine leading on the subject of Islam in France. (Dean Pictures via Newscom)

    France's war with the jihadis is more intense than most Americans or even most Europeans would imagine.

    With French troops engaging the Taliban in Afghanistan often coming under attack, jihadist cells have started targeting France as well as French presence in the Sahel, the north African Sahara.

    In a recent interview with Parisian daily Le Figaro, French Interior Minister Michèle Alliot-Marie, provided significant revelations.

    During a recent lecture tour of Europe I had the opportunity to meet with French defense and counterterrorism officials as well as with legislators, particularly members of the French National Assembly serving on the Afghanistan's committee.

    According to Alliot Marie members of a terrorist group in Central Asia have recently been arrested in Mulhouse, in the east of France, where they were apparently undergoing military training.

    This shows that active jihadist cells are indeed deploying inside France as they are inside many other Western European countries. The minister said: "I can tell you that 89 Islamic activists were arrested in France in 2007."

    Asked about the recruitment factories Alliot Marie said, "French prisons are a place of privileged recruitment for Islamist radicals. It's one of my concerns. I come moreover to propose to my European counterparts to develop a handbook on Islamism in prison to inform security professionals on how to detect and prevent this type of recruitment."

    France's prison system is not that different – in terms of incubator – from the United Kingdom or the United States.

    The minister also indicated that "Certain problem areas in our suburbs also remain choice target for Salafist activities. The youth are then sent to theological education in the Muslim world and attend Koranic schools, like the madrassas of Pakistan, Egypt and Yemen."


    A few months ago Bernard Squarcini the head of the DST (Direction de la Surveillance du Territoire), the French equivalent of the FBI, told the French daily Libération regarding Islamic radicalization: "An ideological transformation can be done in three months on the *********. An individual can at night auto-radicalize himself via the ********* and get in touch with leaders of terrorist organizations." This assessment shows how dire the situation is in Europe when it comes to al-Qaida's use of the *********.

    Al-Qaida uses the ********* for four different tasks: propaganda; communication, mostly to instruct those in the field; training future combatants, a kind of online university of terrorism; and to send messages to the enemy, mostly to the West.

    For instance, one of the most popular jihadist sites in France is one which translates books on the jihad in French and gives lessons on urban guerilla tactics. (This site got more than 3 million visits from France alone). Another ********* site explains how to get weapons in the West (hide, assemble and breakdown) and how to manufacture bombs from products found in supermarkets.

    The propaganda primarily targets youngsters. Some of them join the virtual jihad or "*********tifada", i.e. cyber criminality.

    In March 2006, the DGSE (Direction Générale de la Sécurité Exterieure), the French equivalent of the CIA, tracked down a forum where jihadists recruited ******* to destroy "infidels'" ********* sites and government sites. The jihadists recommended: "If you can't slash their throats, then at least destroy their sites." And on May 15, 2006 the Metz, France police arrested a young man who, under the alias Yanis, had attacked 1,161 sites including 710 linked to the Muhammad cartoons controversy.

    Fortunately in Europe, even though the number is growing only a minority is actually joining the virtual jihad. According to Louis Caprioli, ex-boss of the anti-terror unit of the DST, the number of French volunteers in Iraq is in the tens. Confirming this, expert Walter Akmouche states that statistically, to get one jihadi, you must contact an average 45,000 people.

    Which vehicle do the jihadis use on the *********? According to the DST, the chat room Paltalk is regularly used to hide operations. They also use Instant Messaging services such as Messenger or Skype and "dead e-mail boxes" which allow them, with the username and password, to retrieve unsent messages. But they also exchange information and coded files on forums devoted to soccer, music or any topic totally unrelated to Islam.

    It is important to note that to access true terrorist sites; one has to be an insider and needs to know the real number-coded URL address, which often changes.

    Also after years of research, al-Qaida has developed software called "Secrets of Mujahedin," that allows secure exchange in Arabic on electronic networks. It has allegedly been in use for over a year on clandestine forums close to al-Qaida, especially for jihadist groups in Iraq and al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb. This has been a formidable weapon for al-Qaida and numerous intelligence services and private companies have been trying to break it.

    How is Europe facing this threat? First by closely monitoring jihadist ********* sites. For instance, last year, Holland devoted 10 million euros (about $15 million) to fighting extremism. Thus, more than 150 Internet sites broadcasting extremist ideology were the subject of complaints and were restricted.

    In France, about 30 potentially dangerous sites are monitored by some units of the UCLAT (Unité de Coordination de la Lutte antiterroriste), the French counterterrorism coordination unit. Software allows them to trace back the origin of a server or the IP address of a user and if they act fast, they can trace the network and use it against the Islamists using it. For instance, the recent monitoring of a forum allowed the unit to trace a couple of Salafist groups in the suburbs of Paris that were recruiting jihadis and organizing their trip.

    One of the main problems facing European authorities is that simply shutting down ********* sites is not very efficient since these sites just end up operating under new names.

    European countries are also using the legal tool to fight al-Qaida's use of the ********* in Europe. In a first, a Swiss court last summer sentenced several individuals including the widow of the killer of Ahmad Shah Massoud, Afghanistan's Northern Alliance's leader killed by al-Qaida on September 9, 2001, and her boyfriend, for having created and operated four ********* sites and chat rooms for extremist propaganda and exchange of information by terrorist groups.

    European authorities are taking this issue very seriously. On Feb. 1, France's interior minister, Michèle Alliot-Marie told the French daily Le Figaro that the use of the ********* by terrorists was "one of my major concerns, and one of the priorities assigned to the [security] services. This requires additional material, forces specialized in fighting cyber-criminality, legal resources. I want us to be able to stop the terrorist propaganda, find the operational networks, track them down and prevent them from acting."


    Olivier Guitta, an adjunct fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a foreign affairs and counterterrorism consultant, is the founder of the newsletter The Croissant (www.thecroissant.com).

    محب امير الشهداء

  • #2
    الشرطة البريطانية: هواتف الإنترنت تشل الحرب ضد الإرهاب
    معلومات الإتصالات تشكل عنصراً هاماً ويتم استخدامها كدليل ادانة في 95% من قضايا الجرائم الخطيرة.

    لندن - نقلت صحيفة "التايمز" الخميس عن مصدر أمني بريطاني قوله أن الاستخدام المتزايد لهواتف الإنترنت يشل الحرب التي تخوضها الشرطة البريطانية ضد الإرهاب ويعرقل قدراتها على التحقيق في كل الجرائم مهما كان نوعها.
    وقالت الصحيفة إن الشرطة البريطانية لم تعد قادرة على التعرف على هويات مستخدمي هواتف الإنترنت والأشخاص الذين يتصلون بهم ومدة الإتصال وموقعه بسبب الإنتشار الواسع لهذه الخدمة، وتواجه مشكلة بالغة الصعوبة لأن شركات الاتصال عبر الإنترنت لا تحتفظ بسجلات المتصلين وعلى النقيض من شركات الهواتف المحمولة.

    واضافت أن وزيرة الداخلية جاكي سميث وضعت خططاً لتوسيع صلاحيات الحكومة للوصول إلى المعلومات التي تحتفظ بها شركات خدمة الإنترنت ومن ضمنها المواقع الإجتماعية مثل فيسبوك وبيبو وغيرها نتيجة القلق المتزايد بين أوساط الشرطة وأجهزة الأمن البريطانية من استخدام الإرهابيين والمجرمين الخطرين لمواقع الإنترنت كوسيلة لإخفاء اتصالاتهم.

    ونسبت الصحيفة إلى المصدر الأمني قوله "إن معلومات الإتصالات تشكل عنصراً هاماً ويتم استخدامها كدليل ادانة في 95% من قضايا الجرائم الخطيرة، ونحن لن نكون قادرين على البدء في حل قضية اختطاف بهذا البلد من دون أن يكون لدينا مدخل إلى معلومات الإتصالات".

    وتجيز القوانين المرعية في بريطانيا حالياً لوكالات الأمن والإستخبارات مطالبة شركات خدمات الإتصالات تزويدها بمعلومات عن حركة الهواتف والرسائل الإلكترونية، لكن الإنتشار الواسع لخدمات الإنترنت مثل مواقع الألعاب والشبكات الإجتماعية والمزادات ومواقع الفيديو وغيرها خلق مشكلة كبيرة للشرطة وجهاز الأمن الداخلي (إم آي 5) ومصلحة الجمارك وغيرها من الوكالات الحكومية في بريطانيا.

    وكشفت التايمز أن مسؤولي الشرطة وأجهزة الأمن البريطانية سيبدأون حملة ضغط سرية للحصول على صلاحيات تمكنهم من مراقبة حركة الإنترنت من دون إذن من الشركات المزودة بهذه الخدمة.



    • #3
      بارك الله فيك اخي الكريم
      (كم عشقت المشي تحت المطر......لكي لايعرف احد اني ابكي)اخوكم (توفيق) ابن مخيم الوسطى


      • #4
        بارك الله فيك اخي الكريم

