أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم في شبكة حوار بوابة الاقصى، إذا كنت تمتلك عضوية لدينا مسبقا وتواجه مشكلة في تسجيل الدخول لها يرجى الإتصال بنا،إذا لم تكن تمتلك عضوية لدينا مسبقا يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل معنا
إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، أما إذا رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة القسم الذي ترغب أدناه.
Getting - My ExperienceThe deeper I have delved in Age of Conan the more I have found my need for gold growing every single day. age of conan gold Like an alcoholic with a sniff of rum on my lips I have wanted more. Yet early on, a sniff was all my best efforts could acquire. Without gold, it is tough to play the game. You find yourself getting ganked by richer players.This results in what I have noticed which is many disgruntled Age of Conan players emerging in forums frustrated with the age of conan gold economy (or lack of).The growing trend that is emerging for successful players are gold guides. But what Is revealed in a gold guide? The guide I have has uncovered many powerful tools on trading, crafting, and gathering gold that I never knew existed in my wildest dreams. I wish that I had known all this valuable information sooner as it would have saved me a lot of sniffing and licking my lips, scrounging for that last wow gold cheap measly piece of silver.So... Why consider buying an Age of Conan Gold Guide? By learning real methods that professional gamers use that do not involve bots and hacks, you will not only save a lot of time but you will also not have to spend insane amounts of money buying gold from Chinese farmers that heavily overprice their wow gold cheap to as much as .99 a piece!Did you know that of the top 1000 World of Warcraft Gold players over 70% of them attributed at least some of their success to strategy or gold guides. Until now, if you wanted to acquire gold quickly in Age of Conan, the best bet was to buy it from a Chinese Gold Farmer. These "farmers" sell gold for up to .99 a piece!Make a one-time investment for a lifetime of virtual wealth and riches.
والله ان العين لتدمع وان القلب ليحزن وانا علي فراقك يا أبمالك لمحزونون
والله انك رجل في زمن عزت فيه الرجال
لله درك يا ابامالك
نلت ما تمنييت
والله كنت اسد في المياديين وتشهد لك ارض غزة ببطولاتك
وتشهد لك الصواريخ القدسيه التي دكييت بهااا الأحتلال الغاصب
الأبتساامه لم تكن تفارق وجهك البشوش دائما
انا نتذكرك في كل حيين ,نتذكرك وانت كنت تقيم العشر الأواخر من رمضان وانت تتهجد وتدعوو الله ان الشهادة وان يزوجك الحور العيين العيناااء
ان شاء الله في الفردوس الأعلي
لن ننساك ما حيينااا يا ضرغام الأسلام ووحش السرايا واسد تل الأسلام
بالله عليكم يا اخواان جميعاااا ان تدعووو للشهيد أبومالك في هذه الليالي المباركه وهذا الشهر الفضيل
بارك الله فيك اخي ابومالك الجهادي
للعلم بس هدول من تصاميمي الخاصه لأبومالك رحمة الله عليه